Wednesday 28 August 2013


WOW where has the last week gone???!!!!  I feel like Christmas is next week and I have to hurry and get things done lol!! 

The class I taught last Friday went really well and I have to say I love doing them and the ladies that come are just wonderful and eager to learn new things.  I tell them that we learn together :-).

This is my desk for this week....
I have a very messy desk this week....who am I kidding I ALWAYS have a messy desk lol!!  I have been practicing with the pan pastels, I must say that I think I will love these!!  Also on the desk are a couple of Tim Holtz alphabet die strips as I am sick of buying alphabets stickers, rub ons etc so I thought that these would be great and I can make my own.  Well now I have to get the longer plates for the Cuttlebug that my cousin left me as the normal plates are not long enough and I don't feel like turning them around all the time.  So the longer plates are an investment I say, and I can use more then one embossing folder at a time, that is how I justify spending the money hehehe!

Also on the desk are the start of the next class, using some Prima wood embellishments and some lovely scrapbook paper and I am going to create a forest scene for an art journal page and a canvas as well. It will be fun and I will show the finished product in the next couple of weeks.

Michelle from my local craft store rang to let me know that Dyan Reavely's new jumbo ink spray pads and mini journal had arrived that I had ordered.  Of course I had to go straight away and get them lol....I am such and art supply junkie...oh heaven help me!!
I LOVE the pads and I have one for the warm and cold coloured inks and what fun I have been having.  I decided to use the mini journal straight away and did a tribute for to my late husband Steve. I love putting my feelings on paper in pictures, VERY therapeutic.

My beautiful grandchildren have arrived to spend a couple of hours with Nanna, so until next week, have much fun and lots of love in your life :-).  I have to say a big thank you to Julia over at Stamping Ground for letting us all join in for the WOYWW!!

Janene x

Wednesday 21 August 2013

WOW WOYWW 220 Already!!

Hi everyone! Just a quick one today as I have been busy and tired hehe, but aren't we all at times :-).  I had a great day taking a special friend out to lunch for her birthday and now I am waddling around as I ate too much!!  But the food was sooooo good.
Here is a picture of my desk with some goodies that I have gotten over the last week or so, there is more that I got today....but I have already taken the photo

What fun I am going to have with all of these goodies!!  The next photos are what I am doing in the next art journal class this Friday and we are using the Faber-Castell Gelatos.  It was fun to make up the samples using only Gelatos so that the class can see a range of things that they can do.

The marker pen that was used was a Faber-Castell PITT artist pen, which I found the best to write over the Gelatos.
The next photos are art journal pages that I have completed over the last couple of days and had sooo much fun doing them. I feel the creative fire in my belly and it just wants to get out and I want to ignore everything else and just create journal pages and mult-media canvases lol!

I hope everyone has a great week, and now I am off to look at some more desks hehe, opps got to make my cup of tea first!  Loved looking at Julia Dunnits photos over at Stamping Ground were we all go to link and see the craft/arts desks of the world...what a way to it :-)!! Sorry guys I really thought... that it would be a quick post, must be making up for not being here last week lol!


Wednesday 7 August 2013

WOYWW 218.....

Hello Everyone, I am sorry that I wasn't around last week but my beautiful cousin Jen, passed away Friday night 26 July.  I was only talking with her on Thursday afternoon, ( I talked with her everyday) and she was saying that she should be out of hospital on Saturday.  I didn't let on that I was coming to see her on Saturday as I wanted it to be a surprise.  I wish now I had told her I was coming as she told another friend that she couldn't wait for me to come and visit again.  Around 4pm on the Friday I was told that Jen had lapsed into unconsciousness  and wasn't expected to live through the night.

It was a tough time as you can imagine for all her family and friends, especially as we thought, as Jen did too, that we had more time.  You just never know.  A part of my heart left with Jen when she passed away.  Here is the last picture taken of one of the most special woman that I have ever had the privilege to know, and myself.

My cousin wanted me to take her craft supplies as she felt that it would have a good home with me as she felt that a part of her will be with me when I work with them, as I love crafting as much as she did.  Oh what fun times we had card making and art journaling together.. I will miss her everyday.

Here is a picture of my craft area now incorporating Jen's wonderful supplies now all mingled up with mine and I have a little photo up so that along with my late husband she can watch over me while I art journal.

The mixed media canvas is a gift for my sister, who has been an incredible support for me and drove me the 5 hours home the day after the funeral. I am so blessed that some of my family are just not only my family but also my closest friends too.

This canvas came to life by its self, it tells the story that life can have some horrible parts, but some  great beauty as well, we just have to hope and learn to embrace what is thrown at us and bloom out of all the chaos.

I wish you all a wonderful week surrounded by all your loved ones.... 

I am going over to our lovely leader Julia Dunnit over at Stamping Ground and check out some wonderful desks.  Big cuppa in hand and I am off  :-).
